Joe Casburn is "born"

While Joe started functioning at this time, he certainly wasn't named, yet. In fact his creators didn't even know Joe was functioning as Joe. But he was working his way into things. Perhaps JOE is the MUSE, eh? The Muse began to suggest things to Bruce and Jason. Ideas for playing guns, drawings, etc. Anyway. This was the year. Don't know what day. Don't know what month. But this is when things started: I was walking around the block (hence the dating for summer), and Jay shouted at me from across the street, "Hey, that's a cool gun." Referring to my Han Solo gun. I'm not sure what I said, but I felt extremely validated and felt that yes. Yes it was a cool gun. I'm not sure who said, "You want to be friends?" But the other replied in the affirmative.

This isn't too gay, is it? ("Not that there's anything wrong with that.")

One thing you need to know about Joe: he knows how to quote movies and television. And, it's freaking hilarious. I don't care who you are. Not a lot of people get Joe when he quotes movies, but he just thinks it might be because they're retards. No offense. Entertainment Challenged.


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