Stephen King is my muse

In his book, ON WRITING, "Mr. The King" reveals that his muse is male. I felt like I got to know him a little bit when reading it, and that personality (revealed through time & space via telepathy, as he proposes) has become my muse. He is fairly unforgiving about whining about not writing, whining about the brutal difficulty of producing 10 pages per day, and just about whining in general. He wrote in the hospital after getting hit by a car. He's a tough boss. Today's motivation is Mr. The King. He's saying, "write, you a-hole. Get it done."


Project Motivation

BDR: "Proposed: Subscribe to (or create) a motivational "blog" or some other format, wherein:
There is daily motivation to write. For example, see the attached image.

It has to work, though. And we only need to do it until we have 260 (working days) or 365 "motivations" to get us through each year. Thots?"

RJH: "I like it. Images, quotes, articles, etc. So do we scour the internet and share back and forth until we have enough to get us through a year? I’m not sure I like the idea of subscribing to someone else’s motivational blog… what inspires joe schmoe may not always strike a chord with you and me. I like the idea of it being things that either you or I found to be motivating.
What do you think?"

BDR: "Yes, scour. I don’t like subscribing, either, but I didn’t want to reinvent the wheel… thot YOU might suggest subscribe vs. creation… Yes, it has to have been motivating for us. I say we start with yesterday’s motivation. Joss Whedon’s padawan. I’m [SWOONING] over this. I think we should plan on a post a day (for one and/or both of us) chronicling issues of motivation, plus how to be a writer, what helps, hinders, etc. maybe that’ll get us published all by itself? And if not, maybe it’ll make us treat it like the job it should be. Further proposed: make this our one-true side job/hobby. I think. Therefore, I am. A writer, that is."

RJH: "I like. Ah lahk it ahlahhht. What's next?"

BDR: "What’s next? Proposed: ALL writing communication happens via the blog. Thoughts, feelings, frustrations, ideas, motivations, and, yes, you guessed it… angst." [Hayes hates the word "angst." I just dislike the word.]

RJH: "I’m in. Now, how do I make a blog entry? The thought is causing me great ANGST."

BDR: "Log in. Click New Post. Use tags wisely (note format on the right), or AG will smite you." [I am somewhat detail oriented. Hayes first dubbed me anal-boy for my anal retentiveness. I was, however, quickly promoted to anal-man, and anal-god. I'm hoping that doesn't make me gay -- or that this conversation doesn't. Maybe just posting it does...]

RJH: "Hence the angst… "